The ability to instill trust and confidence in your people, even during times of disruption or discontent is an invaluable skill in business. How do we do that as leaders and managers? Through Executive Presence.
When we think of Executive Presence we often think of leaders who command a room, who have a certain ineffable quality that gets people to follow them. We often think of those with Executive Presence as great speakers with a strong personality, but what is it really? What enables one leader to grab people’s attention and motivate them to take action while others struggle?
The Four Types of Presence
After observing the world’s most powerful and effective leaders for many years, we can break down that “certain something” into a powerful combination of four types of presence:
Somatic Presence (voice, pace, tone, tenor, posture, and coherence)
Emotional Presence (grabbing an audience through authentic emotional connection)
Mental Presence (structuring and forming communication rationally)
Charismatic Presence (telling compelling stories, instilling a sense of confidence, trust, and power in the listener)
Aspects of Executive Presence might be talents we are born with, but for most of us it’s not innate. It’s something we can carefully hone and develop. Executive Presence is a skill, not a trait, which makes something we can learn, and teach.
Executive Presence first requires us to understand our own mindset, and skillfully apply a range of communication methods that best enable people to see, hear, and understand you. Great leaders make others feel heard, understood, and inspired to take action.
That’s real Executive Presence.
“Presence is more than just being there.”
– Malcom Forbes
Executive Presence & Influence Program
Empower your Leaders and Managers to Get things Done
Confidence, self-awareness, situational awareness, influence, charisma – these are all qualities of effective and inspiring leaders, yet they are also qualities most executives struggle to develop and leverage.
The SGI Executive Presence & Influence Program™ goes beyond traditional presentation skills coaching to offer a simple, powerful, practical and full-spectrum approach to building capabilities and competence in four key areas of executive presence: Somatic, Mental, Emotional, and Charismatic. Give your leaders the confidence to embody all facets of their individual executive presence, which will enable them to drive impact, be influential, and build trust both within their teams, the organization, and the marketplace.
“I have been extremely impressed with the execution of this program from start to finish. My SGI coach helped me become aware of some deep-rooted stories and assumptions that have prevented me from achieving the level of confidence I need to successfully influence others. And they provided tools and techniques that have resulted in immediate improvement. Most importantly, my SGI coach listened without judgement, having me truly feel as though they wanted only to help me. This was the exact jumpstart I needed at a critical time in my career, and I am so grateful.”
- Head of ERM Shared Services, Investment Management Company
About Sloan Group International’s Executive Presence & Influence Program
SGI Executive Presence Self Assessment™ and companion book
Available as a one-day live workshop or a series of virtual seminars and interaction within our private online community
In the moment practice sessions with video feedback supported by an experienced executive coach
Individual EPI coaching sessions
Team EPI coaching sessions
Ongoing support over the course of a full year via drop-in coaching hours in our secure online community
Outcomes of the Executive Presence &
Influence Program
Focus on critical information when presenting
“Read a room” and adjust as needed to achieve presentation/meeting objectives
Speak with confidence, clarity and relevance
Tell useful, powerful stories to augment discussion and deepen audience engagement
Respond to resistance with healthy debate
Leverage important data without providing too much information for your audience
Enroll teams, senior leaders, and clients in a vision and path
Model exceptional leadership skills in all situations
Build confidence and competence in influencing others to get things done
Find out more about the Executive Presence & Influence Program
Download the full program outline by submitting your contact details below.