There is great stuff happening out there! In case you’re feeling isolated, here’s the good news…there are connections to be made. Communities across the globe are gathering to discuss progress toward social responsibility in business.
UN Global Compact: Accelerating Progress Toward MDGs Through Inclusive Business September 21, 2010, Millennium UN Plaza Hotel, New York, NY
Opportunity Green Sustainable Business Conference September 22-24, 2010, Los Angeles, California
4th International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility September 22-24, 2010 Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
Progressive Business Leaders Network October 8, 2010, Bentley College, Waltham, MA
Millennium Development Goals with Donald Lee, UN Representative October 13, 2010, 6pm – 8pm, San Damiano Hall (129 West 31 Street, New York)
GreenBiz Innovation Forum 2010 October 19-20, 2010, Mission Bay Conference Center at UCSF, San Francisco, CA
Catalyzing Conscious Capitalism October 19-22, 2010, Lake Arrowhead, CA
The Second Sustainability Summit October 20, 2010, Athens, Greece
Social Venture Network Conference October 21-24, 2010, Ocean Place Resort, Long Branch, New Jersey
Week of Spirituality –UN NGO Comm. Spirituality, Values, & Global Concerns October 24-29, 2010, New York, NY
2020: Vision for a Sustainable Decade- Net Impact Conference October 28-30, 2010, Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan
UN Global Compact U.S. Network Symposium November 2, 2010, United Nations Plaza, New York City, NY
Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) Conference November 2-5, 2010, New York, New York